Sunday, January 15, 2012

Not much done today, but I will put in a quick note to stay in the habit.  "I'm proud that..."  I'm proud that I did NOT dance on the bar last week, and I'm proud that this weekend - the creepy stayed away.  There were a few moments where I was in the bathroom, and heard my name outside the door.  Yea...  Or when someone came up to me and said that they knew me but I had no idea who the person was.  Yea...

The thing in my head today is DON'T MAKE IT HARD.  Don't take some little thing and blow it up.  Don't create drama, don't look for the drama.  If you want to clean the kitchen, that might be too big a project.  For right now, just wipe the counter.  You can then put away the clean dishes OR you  might do the floor.  Just do something without making it hard.  Do that one thing that will have the most results.  If you're terminally out of coffee cups, put them in the dishwasher.  If you can't find underwear, go wash them, or better yet, go buy nice, new ones.  

I'm looking at my huge list.  Thinking what I can delegate and what can just be ignored.  It's hard, and even harder to know that I have to do this stuff on my own.  I feel like I want to stomp my feet and whine, but that's not making any progress.  I want to curl up and watch tv with someone, or find a warm bit of shade to sit with a book.  I keep telling myself that those will come when I find the bottom of the list.  Or, finish the majority of the list.  (sigh)

So, speaking of hard things, I'm going to think about why blame and casting aspersions has been bothering me.  I should know better than to let hurtful opinions get to me or to listen to the people who are negative for their own reasons.  Yet, I'm no perfect PollyAnna - when a lawyer tells you that you worry too much, yea...  Hahahaha!  So, to kill the roadblocks and be aware of the ones that might be my own creation - I'm looking at another person's project.  It looks ABSOLUTELY LOVELY.  If nothing else, go look at this art.  I'm going to swing the "Sunday Challenge #3" that went by in my facebook.  It says, "

When you blame, even yourself, you’re saying that you’re powerless."

and "Because when you take responsibility without blame or the inevitable beating up of yourself, you’re finally able to have the clarity to see what it is you can learn from all that crap."

So, if you'd like to join me in the "Own It" Homework, just message and I'll let you know what I'm owning.  Right this second, I'm owning that I have to rush because I'm late for the shower - my fault and my problem.  I'll own that I should have finished bills and laundry already - Mine, no problem.  So, any time I feel guilty or see myself casting blame or negative crap - I'll be writing it in my little pocketmod.  Hopefully, it stays pristine, but I'll be watching!!

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